AFCOE is an in-depth outreach training program that distills 50 years of Amazing Facts’ evangelistic expertise into a dynamic education experience that will equip you to become a better soul-winner, Bible worker, evangelist, or whatever God has called you to be—it will even help you start your own ministry! Pretty incredible, right?

“AFCOE is about learning while doing. Students do real work, in real communities, and with real people, bringing real results for the Master.” —Pastor Doug Batchelor
At AFCOE, you will learn how to:
  • Confidently share your faith with others—anytime, anywhere
  • Identify your specific calling in ministry
  • Persuasively present the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation
  • Assess the physical and emotional needs of contacts
  • Point people to God’s work in the heavenly sanctuary
  • Winsomely answer difficult Bible questions
  • Organize an evangelistic series and preach it for an overseas mission trip (additional costs)
  • Start and grow your own ministry
  • Utilize the latest technology to dynamically present Bible truth
  • Cultivate a vibrant devotional life
  • and much more!
Whether you’re a church professional or a layperson, this is training you can’t afford to miss!

Cost: $6,000 (per person) - Please review the AFCOE handbook before submitting the application.

Includes program fee, tuition, syllabi, outreach shirts, and housing. Transportation and food are not included. Housing is room share dorm style / Can be anywhere from 4-8 people to house. Rooms may or may not be shared, but prepare to share if required.

Housing fee of $4,000 must be received by July 10th or you will be responsible for your own housing. If you have your own housing arrangement, we must have the contact information of the person you are staying with for confirmation. Remaining balance of $2,000 will be due by August 14th. There will also be a $350 fuel charge if you do not bring your vehicle. You will carpool with those who bring their own vehicles. All fees are USD.

Session *
First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
City *
Country of Residence *
Please select your country.
Your State / Province *
Postal Code
Please enter your postal code.
Your Email *
Phone *
How Did You Hear About Us? *
Gender *
Marital Status *
Education *
Occupation *
Birthdate *
Home Country *
Shirt Size *
How would you describe your knowledge of the Bible? *
What is your experience in soul winning? *
How do you plan to use your AFCOE training? *
Have you ever left the SDA church? If so, please explain. *
Have you used alcohol or illegal drugs during the past two years? Please explain. *
What are your hobbies and interests? *
How would you describe your devotional life? *
Do you attend your church in person? If the answer is NO, please explain. *
If married, is your spouse in agreeance to you attending AFCOE? *
Do you have a vehicle to bring? *
If so, can others carpool with you?
Will you need housing? *
Are you applying with anyone else? *
If so, what is their name?
Have you ever been accused, convicted, or charged with a felony? Information is confidential. *
If so, please explain
Name of Home Church *
Church Phone or Email *
Are you a baptized SDA? *
Years of Baptism
How long have you been an active member of your church?
Church Membership *
Church Positions Held
Please enter valid email addresses. Your references will be automatically emailed after you submit this form to provide them with instructions on how to submit their referral. Please list non-relatives as references.
Pastor's Name *
Pastor's Email *
Pastor's Phone
Elder's Name *
Elder's Email *
Elder's Phone
Character Reference #1 Name *
Character Reference #1 Email *
Character Reference #1 Phone
Character Reference #2 Name *
Character Reference #2 Email *
Character Reference #2 Phone
Please note that your picture must be a JPG file no larger than 5 MB. If your picture file is too large your application will not successfully submit. You will either need to attach a smaller file or no file at all.
* Please upload a recent picture of yourself in JPG or PNG format (
5 MB or less
) *
Please share a little about your family and childhood years. *
How was your life before you decided to follow Christ? *
Has Amazing Facts played a role in your Christian experience? *
Please describe your conversion experience. *
Tell us about your life today. What are your goals? *
Please share what brought you to AFCOE, including any answers to prayer, etc. *
May we use your testimony in print, audio, or video format to inspire others? (Your answer to this question will not affect your application). *
I have read the AFCOE handbook and agree with the guidelines *

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